Items to check off the list as retirement date approaches.
This site gives a new date based on +/- number of days:
red signifies this is or was a critical item, everything else is missed opportunity
3/01/06 - 3/15/06 Call HR-WELLS and request retirement package
4/01/06 - 5/01/06 Submit Health Coverage Forms complete 4/1
4/01/06 - 5/01/06 Submit Notice of Retirement complete 4/1
5/01/06 - 5/15/06 Request Cash Balance Payout Options Form 1-877-479-3557 complete 4/15
5/01/06 - 5/15/06 Request 401K Payout Options Form - 1-877-479-3557 complete 5/1
They said this is automatically sent out when you are dropped off payroll
5/15/06 - 5/31/06 Make list of physical items that need new homes
5/15/06 - 5/31/06 Determine work items that won't be completed by 6/30
6/01/06 - 6/07/06 Book good-bye lunches
6/09/06 - 6/09/06 Send Supervisor Notification to manager
6/01/06 - 6/10/06 Submit Cash Balance Payout Options Form
6/01/06 - 6/24/06 Reassign work items that won't be completed by 6/30
5/01/06 - 6/30/06 Exercise Options
6/01/06 - 6/30/06 Find homes for stuff and list of stuff that needs new homes
6/01/06 - 6/15/06 Clean out email
6/01/06 - 6/23/05 Clean off disk
6/01/06 - 6/30/06 Cleanout office
6/26/06 - 6/30/06 Celebrate a lot
7/10/06 - 7/20/06 Call 401K for payout options if they have not been received.