Thursday, May 11, 2006


Items to check off the list as retirement date approaches.

This site gives a new date based on +/- number of days:

red signifies this is or was a critical item, everything else is missed opportunity

3/01/06 - 3/15/06 Call HR-WELLS and request retirement package

4/01/06 - 5/01/06 Submit Health Coverage Forms complete 4/1

4/01/06 - 5/01/06 Submit Notice of Retirement complete 4/1

5/01/06 - 5/15/06 Request Cash Balance Payout Options Form 1-877-479-3557 complete 4/15

5/01/06 - 5/15/06 Request 401K Payout Options Form - 1-877-479-3557 complete 5/1
They said this is automatically sent out when you are dropped off payroll

5/15/06 - 5/31/06 Make list of physical items that need new homes

5/15/06 - 5/31/06 Determine work items that won't be completed by 6/30

6/01/06 - 6/07/06 Book good-bye lunches

6/09/06 - 6/09/06 Send Supervisor Notification to manager

6/01/06 - 6/10/06 Submit Cash Balance Payout Options Form

6/01/06 - 6/24/06 Reassign work items that won't be completed by 6/30

5/01/06 - 6/30/06 Exercise Options

6/01/06 - 6/30/06 Find homes for stuff and list of stuff that needs new homes

6/01/06 - 6/15/06 Clean out email

6/01/06 - 6/23/05 Clean off disk

6/01/06 - 6/30/06 Cleanout office

6/26/06 - 6/30/06 Celebrate a lot

7/10/06 - 7/20/06 Call 401K for payout options if they have not been received.

Networking and Job Hunting Ideas

From SlashDot (contributed by Doyle):

The guys at the Google Press Center presented upcoming Google technologies at a press conference. Google Co-op beta is a community where users can contribute their knowledge and expertise to improve Google search for everyone. Google Trends builds on the Google Zeitgeist to help users find facts and trends related to Google usage around the world. Google Notebook is a simple way for users to save and organize their thoughts when conducting research online. This personal browser tool permits users to clip text, images, and links from the pages they're browsing, save them to an online 'notebook' that is accessible from any computer, and share them with others. Also, Google Desktop 4 is also mentioned." Googleblog has an outline of the new services.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Expressive Short Timer Responses

You have our sympathy
What a shame
I'll get right on that
Might I suggest someone who could help you
But who's counting
Not that it matters
Gee, I'd love to help you with that, but...
Not a problem
That's the last time I'll ever have to...
So what are they gonna do? Fire me?
You know, Paris and Rome in the summer are nice.
I hear the beach isnt crowded on the week days.